Marketing real estate is much tougher than selling a product or even a common service. You need to have a great property portal in place before you attempt to convert interested individuals into loyal clients. You are definitely going to get a lot of leads when people looking to buy or sell a piece of property are directed to your website as soon as they start Googling their needs. The onus of converting the leads is fully yours though but you need a great real estate website to be developed to your satisfaction first, one that shows your company as well as the services you offer positively.
It does not make sense to go ahead and design plus develop your own website, however. You definitely need an expert like here. Hiring the top Real Estate Portal Development Company, Bangalore like Vivanta Technologies is the best bet for you, therefore. A professional web portal that will highlight your strengths and keep the visitors informed will certainly add value to your website. You can then start converting the visitors looking for property thereby increasing your bottom line substantially thanks to the Real Estate Portal Development Company, Bangalore.
Vivanta Technologies houses marketing experts who are well aware of the latest trends of real estate and will help you to use the very recent technologies in order to market your services and property specific products once the portal is up and running. No worries, you do not have to learn new skills, the team of experts will help you in your real estate business by providing you with complete marketing solutions via the use of cutting edge technologies.
The solutions that you can expect from the Real Estate Portal Development Company, Bangalore namely Vivanta Technologies to come up with is likely to include:-
This does not mean that you have to completely forgo the old tried and tested marketing methods that you had used so successfully before. The technology based new solutions will not do away with the old solutions but complement them instead. Your company will thus benefit greatly by reaching out to thousands of interested visitors with each of them having the potential of turning into a lifelong client for you.
Vivanta as a professional Real Estate Portal Development Company, Bangalore will learn about your company and its needs before coming up with an innovative marketing solution that befits your company. The type of real estate website is not uniform though and varies from company to company depending on the kind of property services and products you deal with. Check out the various kinds of property portals designed and developed by Vivanta Technologies below before requesting your own.
These are not mere portals but play a more significant role as a technology equipped marketing platform for real estate related matters.
These are dedicated websites that target niche customers who are looking for a highly specialized kind of real estate product.
These are websites that allow the clients to opt for some customized features but not the full set of made to order solutions.
These websites are much in demand as they offer total customization of property for the client. The websites are interactive with each being unique in their own way.
Not being limited to the website designing, the package of digital marketing solutions include content writing services, Blog writing and Management, Social Media Management, Search engine optimization and submission, Bulk Email service and management, Bulk SMS service and many more.
Vivanta Technologies is one of the leading Real Estate portal development companies based in Bangalore and works in close consultation with their clients in every stage of the development process that makes your web presence truly emphatic. We offer wide range of Responsive Web Design, Mobile apps development like Android apps development, iphone apps development, windows apps development for your business needs.